Monthly Archives: October 2006

New Camp Site

Here is a wonderful answer to prayer. Our Baptist Union brothers from Bashkortostan have been praying for their own camp. I was first told about this three years ago. They have been needing their own place to hold summer camp for children and teenagers. This will allow them to expand their ministry. God has given them a great deal.

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Quote of the Day

“The Christian really has a double task. He has to practice both God’s holiness and God’s love. The Christian is to exhibit that God exists as the infinite-personal God; and then he is to exhibit simultaneously God’s character of holiness and love. Not His holiness without His love: this is only harshness. Not His love without His holiness: that is only compromise. Anything that an individual Christian or Christian group does that fails to show the simultaneous balance of the holiness of God and the love of God presents to a watching world not a demonstration of the God who exists but a caricature of the God who exists.” -Francis Schaeffer, The Mark of Love

October ’06 Children’s Ministries Report

The assistant director continues to oppose us. He continues to use physical force and moral pressure against the children. They do not permit us to go there even though they do not reject our gifts. We don’t see a way around this for the time being. We can just give them gifts, which we really don’t want to do. We want to be with the children, but they just won’t let us.

Children’s Home #9 in Ufa:
The director can’t seem to stop the discord coming from the teacher’s union. Several of the caregivers are jealous of us and have started gossiping about us. They forbid our volunteers to talk with the children. We talk very quietly nearby their school, so that no one will see us meeting with the kids! The children run away to the church. The caregivers don’t let children go to church and they deceive them in order to come to church. One of our sisters who worked there was illegally fired from her job there and is not allowed to meet with the children. They don’t reject our gifts but just the opposite. They want us to buy hats, gloves and socks. But they won’t let us take photographs. – Natasha and Viktor Slobodyan

Quote of the Day

“That Church is still alive; an unbroken spiritual descent connects us with those whom Jesus commissioned. Times have changed in many respects, new problems must be faced and new difficulties overcome, but the same message must still be proclaimed to a lost world. Today we have need of all our faith; unbelief and error have perplexed us sore; strife and hatred have set the world aflame. There is only one hope, but that hope is sure. God has never deserted His church; His promise never fails.” – Gresham Machen